Dear Fiends, my elfin* art book, Riddled With Spots, is now available at the Museum Of Modern Art, and costs only a palindrome. I am very excited to see it sandwiched between bodies/works from Kiki Smith, Salvador Dalí, Judy Chicago, Miyazaki, and Omar Kholeif! If you find yourself in NYC, looking for a special gift for an artist, this one is full of hidden messages to discover. There is also a hinty codex available upon request. It is available for any teachers out there who wish to use it to engage Others in acts of symbolic perception.
MoMA Bookstore photo courtesy of @btschweda, A. Keck Press.
*Small and delicate, typically with an attractively mischievous or strange charm.
P.s. My co-author is deceased, so the toe-tag will have to suffice. Cheers, dear Whymper! #restinspots