The Order of the Days – Book Release at Bizarre Bushwick

Book Release Party in Brooklyn

This has been a whirlwind season for books!  For those of you who are local, I’d like to invite you to a book release party this Sunday, at Bizarre Bushwick.  We are gathering to celebrate a fascinating, esoteric book released by my publisher, A. Keck Press, called “The Order of the Days” (more about that in a second, but first, some notes about the party).  This party will feature CIRCUS, SIDESHOW, STAND-UP, and LIVE MUSIC, and you can mingle with the artists and editors from all of A. Keck Press’ publications. *Theoretically, at least – my co-author is a bit deceased, so this really depends on your perception.  They will have signed copies of three A. Keck Press publications, including my first book, Riddled With Spots.  I may also have a few small, sorted trinkets available on the side, as well as a free art-backed tip calculator card for anyone who comes up and asks for it, just because I’m old fashioned and really like little cards with useful but outdated data on them.

Here is the Facebook event, for details: RSVP on Facebook

[Aside: On the day of the Riddled With Spots release, the book was listed at #12 in Amazon’s metaphysical rankings, and #32 in Poetry, so thank you all for making that happen!  I also want to thank those of you who left 5 star reviews on Amazon  and Goodreads.  That was very sweet of you, and discovering your words completely made my day!  If any of the people who left those lovely reviews come to the book release party, please identify yourselves to me, and I’ll give you a small gift, as thanks.]

The Official Event Details, from A. Keck Press:  BOOKS!! ART!! ENTERTAINMENT!!

Poster for The Order of the Days book release party in Bushwick Brooklyn
Poster by Aya Rosen.

Come join us on Sunday night, March 12th, to celebrate the release of The Order of the Days — an art book about the ancient, mythological, and mystical roots of our week. The book features the work of seven remarkable artists, who created original images based on the history and meaning of the days.  During the night, you’ll have an opportunity to mingle with the creative team, and purchase autographed copies of the book (we may even raffle some off).  The night will also feature a wide variety of entertainment, including CIRCUS, SIDESHOW, STAND-UP, and LIVE MUSIC.  You don’t want to miss this one, folks!  To top it off… we’ll be celebrating at the extraordinary BIZARRE Bushwick, one of Brooklyn’s finest and freakiest venues.  See you there!

The Order of the Days
Written by Brendan Schweda
Featuring art by Sarah Zar, Anita Stevens Rundles, Liz Emirzian, Elise Mesnard Art, Aya Rosen, Igor Gnedo & Justin Nissley.  Edited by Jamerson Maurer.  Published by A. Keck Press.

LIVE Performances from:
Emilly Ben AmiAdam Bishop, Lauren Elizabeth, Jordan Hebert, Noa LemberskyTeddy Manywounds, Aneya Marie, Shahar Mintz, Mariana J. Plick, Chelsea Rodriguez, Anita Stevens Rundles, Bernadette Schweda, Alexander Spitfire, Nikki Talis, George Wisegarver

There is a $7 suggested donation for the event… but come even if you don’t donate.  I’d rather see you than all your dead-men trading cards.

Coming up next, I’m working on a couple of curatorial projects, which I’ll let you in on as the time approaches (calls for art will be issued through the mailing list).

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