If you are considering becoming a patron of the arts, thank you in advance for your support. Every single donation makes a real difference!
You can contribute to The War Against The Imagination project in two ways:
You will receive:
* Behind the scenes updates from inside the studio
* Digital gifts
* Early access to claim any new work of art that isn’t a commission or already heading to a gallery.
* If you send me a photograph of yourself, you will also be featured in a large narrative painting I’m working on as a defender of the Imagination!
If you don’t want all the email updates and digital gifts, but it’s important to you to support art projects you believe in, you can make a one-time contribution to “The War Against The Imagination” using PayPal or a credit card of your choice.
You will receive:
* Any patron who makes a one-time donation (and sends me a photograph), no matter what the amount, will be painted into this project!
Any time we make room for inspiration, revel in beauty, encourage interesting mistakes, or create anything, we are staking out the terrain for the Imagination to inhabit. We are its defenders. Its protectors.
When we make room for our inner worlds in the outer world, we generate a reality where we have more of a right to exist. I’m not talking about our bodies. This is about our selves.
Every poem, every art show, every museum and library, every harmony you sing with a friend, every wall in your house with a handmade picture on it… these are all lanterns for selves, safe harbors for perception, where phenomenological magic can emerge, and be reminded that it has permission to exist.
Artwork used to celebrate kings, historic moments, royals, the champions of commerce and celebrity. But I have decided it is time to honor new heroes. Those conduits between the collective unconscious and the waking world. Those weavers of concept and theory. Those who believe in and support the arts and all kinds of makers, and those who make ideas real by letting them rest in their minds’ rooms. You.
You. The lantern-bearers and the fire-gazers. The sybils and muses. Those who look into, through, and beyond.
I have decided to create a work of art that celebrates the protectors of the imagination and the purveyors of portals to our inner worlds. Every single patron, everyone who offers encouragement or partakes of emerging culture is acting on the side of Imagination. Because you are creating an expansion upon the safe space for an inner world to emerge. I am eternally grateful for this belief. And I hope I can do the same for you. That is why every single patron will appear in my painting. And this is why the art show I will build around this piece will be all about The War Against The Imagination.
This is the subject of the painting you are helping me create.
✨If you are not yet a patron, it is not too late to be in this painting. You can join the project by clicking here: https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=4396725. ✨
[This is an excerpt from a much longer public post (also available to all on Patreon. Click through for the rest: https://www.patreon.com/posts/war-against-34416581).]